
Thursday, 23 June 2016

Another super ride in glorious countryside

A huge thank you to Anne and David for hosting this gathering and allowing a very convivial group to enjoy some splendid country - from downs to woods to a paddle in the stream - terrific.

Good to see new faces attending these rides, all happily aware that their presence is tacit support for our hounds, our way of life and our commitment to achieving a repeal of the iniquitous Hunting Act.

Well done Kim for putting into practice something that is gaining a momentum of its own with one "regular", unable to attend this week, inviting all to an extra event next week.

The Stern

Who engaged in a little unwitting ornithology on their way to the "meet"?
Who might put  ares cross on the side of their vehicle?


Clicking on an image will enlarge it.
These and many more may be found on The Gather's website: HERE

Monday, 20 June 2016

The Puppy Show

What a terrific event!

Relaxed, enjoyable and amusing: the hard work that went into the afternoon made it so and a huge "thank you" goes to all contributed. It would be difficult to name everyone whose efforts went into this as, inevitably, someone would be missed off the list - there are many ways in which people helped, some obvious, some less so. To you all "thank you."

Having said that no one would be named we thank the Judges, Major Tim Easby and William Hudson for their sterling efforts, and there has to be special thank you to Stephen and his team - hounds looked splendid.

The sun shone on the righteous and the atmosphere was welcoming, warm and friendly - in all it was a rather splendid way to celebrate not only the tolerance and efforts of the Puppy Walkers (whose gardens will have been restored just in time for their next charges) but also the fact that the East Kent Hunt with West Street has now embraced both its new and historic identities and looks forward to carrying on the great traditions of the country.

1  Spectre
2  Sprocket
3  Stodmarsh

1  Waxwing
2  Sturry
3  Stelling

Champion: Spectre


Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image. These and a few more may be found at The Gather's website: HERE

Is the judge seeking outside opinion?


Are those Cheddars being smuggled onto the flags?

The puppies delight in being reunited with their walkers.

They really do!


Saturday, 18 June 2016

Practice makes perfect - Puppy Show Rehearsal

With the Puppy Show just around the corner it was time to help the new entry deal with their nerves and meet a small sample of their adoring public in preparation for the much larger crowd that will greet them on the day.

From Saxon '14 and Promise '10:

From Saracen '14 and Swanky '12:

From Saxon '14 and Stainless '11:

CN MFH and EG Judged under the watchful eyes of the many experts on the rails. It would be inappropriate to report their decisions here as it could influence the dignitaries who will Judge at the Puppy Show Proper: then again it might not.

As ever, clicking on an image will enlarge it.

The experts

Not sure that "O" agrees.

Not sure that "R" agrees either

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