
Monday, 15 January 2018

Is there a chap building an Ark?

The fact that we have been able to go at all is a testament to the gracious spirit of our landowners, farmers and keepers. The ground is more than waterlogged - in places there is no ground to be seen.

In such conditions it was no surprise that these "Meets" consisted of a beach ride (very many thanks to "J MFH for organising this) and a short day of hound exercise.

Nonetheless a very good-spirited group met to enjoy the hospitality of our Masters and the consideration of our landowners on Saturday before enjoying a jolly hack across some beautiful country.


A few of the Beach Ride may be seen HERE
. . . and of the Postling Meet HERE

Sunday, 7 January 2018

What a lucky lot we are

With the ground waterlogged the generosity and support of our landowners and farmers is beyond belief. To you all a huge thank you. On the theme of generosity: what a feast our hosts provided - grateful thanks to you as well.

Well fed and watered the mounted field set off in the best of spirits for a super day.

The Stern

Who went fishing?
Quite why did the chairman return to the meet calling out "Any old iron"?
Whose shepherding skills were much needed?

These and many more may be viewed HERE
. . . or  HERE FRANK

Monday, 1 January 2018

Welcoming 2018

What a show! Well done to Hannah's Bar and Bistro, many thanks to H and to J and her day. A day which was not auspicious in terms of the weather but offered a welcome to all from the village and those good folk, together with the regulars, made for a very jolly Meet.

The weather would have put many off the idea of mooching around on a horse to say nothing of the footies but spirits were high and the Meet a great success - very many thanks.

The Master of the day together with her team had provided two series of jumps for the ladies and gentlemen on horseback - what terrific folk.

The Stern

Who, after their appearance at the Boxing Day Meet, was greeted as "your Lordship"?


These and many more may be viewed HERE - but pleased be advised that there was so little light that images are grainy and will not make for good prints much beyond 7x5.

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