
Monday, 4 November 2019

The Opening Meet 2019

A wet autumn meant that any landowner who allowed us to lay trails across their land would have to be a supporter indeed. The East Kent with West Street's Masters went above and beyond as did the landowners as we were allowed across new country, well country that we had not crossed for many, many years.
The hospitality of our hosts was generous to the point of being dangerous. Your correspondent had no need for either lunch, or dinner! Had he not been driving then a lengthy afternoon nap would have been inevitable. Unfortunately other duties called and napping was not a possibility and neither was following for very long. Luckily the amazing CombatMoose Photography was able to take pictures of the large field testing out the new jumps that "the boys" had built. A link to Combat Moose's photographs appears below.


Combat Moose's images may be found HERE
Others HERE

Autumn Trails

Your correspondent has been away for much of the pre-season activity but managed a few early mornings. Early mornings? We go out early, or late, because the temperature is lower and the scent trail lasts longer.
Once more we are very grateful to out landowners, farmers and keepers who have allowed us to lay trails as we are to our team of Masters who have worked hard together to provide such sport.
Hounds look well and keen which is in no small part due to the hard work put in by our Huntsman and his team with some help from a select band of supporters.
Another "thank you" is due to Kim who has put on a wonderful programme of hacks throughout the summer and encouraged new followers.


These and many more may be found HERE

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