
Sunday, 16 February 2020

Long time no post!

2019 ended with wet ground and it has barely dried since. With much of the country saturated and some under water it is quite remarkable that hounds have been out at all.
It is not possible to thank our landowners, farmers and keepers enough that we have been out at all - they are stars. The other stars in this hunting constellation have to be our Masters who, with tireless efforts and certainly some charm, have ensured that not only have we been able to lay trails and even opened up some new country.
We salute you all.
Sadly the New Year has brought news of the passing of several stalwart hunt supporters whose memories we will keep alive. On the balance sheet of life it should also be noted that new faces have become regular faces at meets and so the circle goes on.
Personal circumstances have limited you correspondent's ability to follow and so the crop of images is smaller than usual. However we recommend that not only do interested parties visit but also the super galleries at

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