
Saturday, 31 December 2016

The last Meet of 2016

The last Meet of the year and what a terrific Meet, generously hosted by 'G' (who has no inkling of portion control when wielding an immense jug of Whisky Mac) and 'V' (who is equally challenged when it comes to the number of sausages and such delights one person can manage) - brilliant, thank you.

A good sized field gathered with faces old and new as the morning mist and fog waxed and waned before finally setting off for the first draw. Would hounds find the trail? Well the difficulty was could anyone find the hounds? The fog rolled in over the Downs and made safe trail-hunting impossible after the first hour or so making it necessary, sadly, for Stephen to blow for home and a most enjoyable day was brought to an early conclusion.

The Stern

  • How did that shooting stick become deformed?

  • Who regretted the words "I'll just turn round so that we can get away quickly?

  • Who suggested that the two occupants of the vehicle in question included someone who could be so ungentlemanly as to suggest that his rather slighter friend might get underneath the truck to release the spare wheel.
As a footnote to the story, being amongst hunting-folk, the offers of assistance were many and earnest. Of course, being counry-folk, the occupants of the truck were resourceful enough and suitably equipped to extricate themselves. 

In fact there are probably Hunt Saboteurs amongst our local group who should remember that in the days of their white mini-bus an Land Rover antecedent of this truck towed them out of a field in which they had become completely bogged. We might not agree about the repeal but country folk find it hard not to help - country life is often hard and so we help each other out.


These and many. many more may be found by clicking:
  • HERE for The Gather's contribution - full upload by 1/1/17
  • or
  • HERE for Combat Moose Photography - upload coming soon.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

A Great Christmas Tradition

Half an hour to go before hounds arrive and the Square was filling up.
A large mounted field led by "S", the picture of elegance mounted sidesaddle, "O", hounds and the Huntsman rode along Elham High Street to cheers and applause before turning down St Mary's Road and into the Square where the cheers were quite deafening. The many hundreds of supporters drowned out the cries of the usual group of protestors.

With many sets of three cheers for the hunt and a couple of resounding choruses of "We wish you a Merry Christmas" the atmosphere was terrific. Hounds, as usual, made friends with those at the front of the crowd. One even signed a T-shirt!

The whole, wonderful, traditional cavalcade left the Square to a huge cheer, to be applauded all the way along New Road by many more supporters.

Hats off to you guys
Less traditional (or maybe it is becoming so as this was for the second year) was the music played by Rudy Warman and the Heavy Weather. While these guys are part of the protest and not appreciated by all of those who attended to enjoy and support the Hunt your correspondent tips his cap to them in admiration. This is not just as their music is firmly grounded in the sounds of his youth. The band's approach is gentle and seeks to win people over with love not hate. All a bit hippy? Yes and why not? They, in the best possible way, made their protest without abuse or rancour.

The large mounted field and many on foot then enjoyed a day in some wonderful country in the bright winter's sunshine.

The Stern

  • What new use is there for "the bump"?
  • Who had a "hole" new way of clearing a hunt jump?
  • Who really does know which end to climb a gate?

These and more than 120 others may be viewed by clicking HERE

Saturday, 24 December 2016

The Season of Good Will

The last meet before Christmas is always something special and this year was no different. Many, many people gathered to enjoy our hosts' hospitality and to watch more than 50 ride off to follow hounds as they tried to work out the trails.

The EKHwWS were graced with the hunting correspondent and photographer from Horse and Hound and we look forward to reading and seeing their view of the day in a forthcoming edition.

Christmas is a time for thanksgiving and giving and especial thanks go to our hosts, landowners, farmers and keepers without whose support and gift we would have no country.

A Very Merry Christmas to all of our readers - look forward to seeing you on Boxing Day.

The Stern

  • Who travelled in the stern?
  • Who saved The Gather's bacon with the loan of a camera following an equipment failure? Thank you.

The following may be enlarged with  a "click"
More than 200 images from the day may be viewed:
 - at The Gather's Website - click HERE
 - at Combat Moose's site - click HERE 

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