
Sunday, 26 February 2017

Making new friends and meeting up with old ones.

It is notable and very pleasing that this season has seen new faces joining us mounted and on foot. One couple were warned when they came out for the second time that they would soon find themselves addicted and sure enough they are now regular Saturday riders. As Charles Dickens wrote, "There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast." While there are a few out there who have inverted that passion and hunt the hunters it is your correspondent's experience that those who come along with an open mind rarely do so just the once. Whether it's the comradeship of the hunting community, the thrill of riding across country that otherwise would be denied them or the wonder of watching hounds work there is something about following hounds that ignites the heart. This is true even in these days of seeking out trails.

Newcomers are all aware that we are committed to seeing the repeal of the Hunting Act 2014 and a return to hunting live quarry. Some will say that should that happen the new supporters will cease to support us but they fail to understand how that passion works, its strength and hunting's place in the countryside.

Even if the hound work does not engage them, stupendously generous meets are certainly addictive, followed by an equally lavish tea at the end of the day! For that generosity a big thank you to two of our Joint Masters who looked after all quite royally.

The Meet could have lasted most of the day - there was certainly enough food and drink to say nothing of catching up with old friends who turned out to support the EKHwWS.

Heard on the hunting field - actually before even getting to a field!

Said by my 8yr old nephew, being chaparoned from the lead rein by "L" on his first hunt, wearing his late mother's jacket, a very special and proud day for him, and all of us, albeit with a few tearful moments......

So.....before they'd even moved off from the meet, with his dad's hip flask in his pocket, he says ....
"When will we be stopping for food do you think?"
As you can imagine, we all fell about laughing!!

The Stern

Having invested in a new hunt coat, what will be the next addition as the addiction takes hold?


These and many more may be found by clicking HERE for Gallery 1 and HERE for Gallery 2.

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