
Monday, 23 October 2017

Autumn Days 4

Later starts as the nights draw in lead to the question why do we go out so early in September and October. Those who oppose us claim that it is to do with secrecy which is frankly a little odd as it is just a little difficult to do anything secret with twenty or more horses and twenty couple of hounds. The reason for the early, and sometimes late afternoon, starts is simply that prior to the main season the temperatures are higher and later in the day tend to either evaporate or lift the scent from the trails. In the latter case foxhounds, harriers or beagles who search for scent on or close to the ground are unable to "own" the trail.

Despite the early starts we have enjoyed good numbers at our Autumn Trail Hunting Meets with new faces joining us and learning the joys of these autumn early mornings when the light can be quite magical.

The Stern

Who said?
    "I followed the Master's directions and found it straight away," with a note of surprise.


As ever, more may be viewed by clicking on this LINK

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