
Sunday, 30 October 2016

To Open the Season

Wow and thrice times wow! More than 50 mounted set off this morning with ages ranging across nearly 70 years - just terrific!

Despite a health complication at the very start (we wish "M" well) a fantastic Meet was hosted with huge generosity - thank you.

The temperature rose quickly through the day lifting the scent of trails high above hounds' noses. Nonetheless a terrific day was had by all.

A huge "well done" to the youngest members of our mounted field who were still out a the end of the day and an equally large "well done" to the oldest who were still mounted at the end of the day.

Speaking of "mounted" - the Tumblers' Dinner should be well attended.

The Stern

Who gave up their horse for a youngster whose mount threw a shoe?
Who was rubbing their ribs at the tea?
Who carries water to drink?


These and many more may be found HERE

Now that's a hip-flask!

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

A large turnout on a beautiful morning

As it is half-term for many, a good number of Pony Clubbers was to be expected which is great as they are an intrinsic part of the future of hunting. Less expected but nonetheless welcome was a good showing of new "grown-ups".

Parking was at a premium but somehow everyone managed to squeeze in (and out at the end of the morning) and the mounted and wheeled field set off into the brilliant autumn sunshine to enjoy following hounds.

Hunt Calendar

We will be producing an East Kent Hunt with West Street 2017 Calendar much on the lines of last year's successful production. Each calendar sold will raise a little money for the hunt with an expected price of £15 (we will confirm once our costs have been finalised) - a snip when you consider that there will be many more than 200 photographs from last season. Last year we produced and sold 50 with one or two people disappointed when stocks ran out.

If you would like to "pre-book" a calendar (they should be available for collection at meets by the end of November) please e-mail with your contact details and a note of the number that you would like to buy.

The Stern

Who was the Grand Old Duke of York?


A click will enlarge an image and a click HERE will open the whole gallery from yesterday in a new window or tab.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

A long morning! Thank you!

With a beautiful dawn turning to an overcast morning scent persisted and hounds spoke more than not - splendid! Staying out for more than four hours was a bonus too.

At last night's General Meeting all the news was good with reports on a most successful Summer Ball, a super Ride, excellent damage limitation by the P-t-P committee, tremendous fund raising and support from the Supporters' Club, phenomenal success for our Pony Club, kennels are looking splendid . . .  and most importantly, perhaps, that hounds are going from strength to strength. Well done and thank you to the Masters, Trustees, Committee with its Officers, the Supporters' and, of course the Hunt Staff.

It was particularly good to see new faces on foot and mounted today - welcome.

The Stern

   Who might, for good reason, have been better able to give a on catching Tiger Fish than the CA?
   Whose sandwiches were very nearly a hound-breakfast?
   Whose reversing skills were sorely tested?


As per usual these may be enlarged with a click and more found HERE

Monday, 17 October 2016

Why is there never a photographer when you need one?

A good crowd turned out for an early morning in the forestry but unfortunately your correspondent could not follow for long. While they do not make for easy following and can make trail-laying difficult when hounds speak deep in the forests their voices resonate in a spine-tingling way.

The Stern

Why might the photographers be disappointed that they were gallivanting in Cumbria last week?
Who had a side-splitting event?


As ever these may be enlarged with a click and more may be found HERE

Friday, 14 October 2016

A Special Birthday in a Special Place

A good crowd turned out for a very special meet with a very special birthday for a very special person.

With snatches of hound song when they owned a trail, good company and a beautiful morning - what else could you wish for?

Back at the Meet  Happy Birthday was sung, a cake magicked up and candles blown - terrific.

Very Many Happy Returns!

The Stern

Who came out for the first time in some years wearing her Pony Club jacket?
Which "teenager" seemed glued to their mobile 'phone?

That Picture

Amongst other birthday gifts was an original watercolour sketch of "Mally's Fox" by local artist SCW. Some people have asked if prints are available. We are pleased to say that very high quality giclée prints are available in either a signed limited edition of 25 at A3 in size (mounted and framed) or unsigned A4 also mounted and framed. Please email for details:


A click will enlarge the image and, as ever, more may be found HERE

The East Kent Ploughing Match

A beautiful sunny day for S to parade hounds with Sa looking resplendent side-saddle and B - what ambassadors!

The children joined S in a wild rumpus around the tiny arena and had the opportunity to meet hounds face to face - literally in some cases.

There was more excitement after the hound parade as the RLC Bomb Disposal Team dealt with a munition.

Heard on the hunting Parade Field

"Ah, we have a faller. You OK?"
"What's your name?"
"He's called B too and he's always falling off."

The Stern

Why might we consider our huntsman to be "street"?


These and more may be found HERE

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