Parking was at a premium but somehow everyone managed to squeeze in (and out at the end of the morning) and the mounted and wheeled field set off into the brilliant autumn sunshine to enjoy following hounds.
Hunt Calendar
We will be producing an East Kent Hunt with West Street 2017 Calendar much on the lines of last year's successful production. Each calendar sold will raise a little money for the hunt with an expected price of £15 (we will confirm once our costs have been finalised) - a snip when you consider that there will be many more than 200 photographs from last season. Last year we produced and sold 50 with one or two people disappointed when stocks ran out.
If you would like to "pre-book" a calendar (they should be available for collection at meets by the end of November) please e-mail with your contact details and a note of the number that you would like to buy.
The Stern
Who was the Grand Old Duke of York?
A click will enlarge an image and a click HERE will open the whole gallery from yesterday in a new window or tab.

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