
Saturday, 26 November 2016

A great crowd - in size and personality

What a meet - sausage rolls to die for and terrific setting. Many, many thanks to our hosts and a very BIG suggestion that all those (and there were very many) support the venue over the coming 12 months.

With more than 20 mounted  and many more on foot we met at a hostelry towards the west of our country and enjoyed the very best of hospitality. Your correspondent can heartily recommend a return on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday , Friday or Sunday to enjoy amazing food and an excellent selection of wines. This place is just terrific!

In fact, yours truly, remembers it back in the 70s  when itv was very much, as today, a family affair and o elf the great pleasures was to call in on a Saturday lunchtime and chat to a fine fellow who used to always be there in his three piece suit. He had no problem with the fact that the hunt met there even though he had been the political editor of the Morning Star (a communist newspaper for those who do not know) and a riveter on the Clyde during the war. His view was that while he knew much about the exploitation of working classes on the Clyde he recognised that the roots of socialism were in the countryside and the hunt were part of that culture. My how times have changed when we have "class warriors" who know nothing of their heritage.

Still, a great meet, some hound music - what more could make a Saturday perfect?

The Stern

  • Who accidentally failed to "photobomb" the riders leaving the meet?
  • Who does not know their right from their left?

These may be enlarged with a click and many more may be found HERE

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