
Sunday, 20 November 2016

A proper Autumn Day

Glorious sunshine illuminated a terrific and generous meet with faces old and new. A big thank you to our hosts and, as ever, our landowners who permit us to lay trails and attempt to follow them.

Some jumping for the Thrusters, ways around for those of more staid dispositions and some guesswork for the wheeled field meant that a great day was had by all.

A reminder

While not an issue on Saturday it is proper to remind all followers on horseback, in vehicles and on foot that while we might be engrossed in hounds working, there are others using roads who are unlucky enough not to be following hounds. Maybe they have to go shopping (yuk) or to work. They probably do not care one way or another about hunting* but if we hold them up they will soon come to a view that we are "undesirable".

Every time any of us follow hounds we are ambassadors and must take every care not to interfere with the lives of others. Please walk, drive or ride with the utmost consideration.

* The reality of the "divide" over hunting is that there is not a divide. 98% of the population do not hold an opinion about hunting with hounds. Oh yes they will form one (briefly) if asked a loaded question such as "Should the cruel sport of posh people hunting, killing foxes with dogs, be consigned to history like bear-baiting?" Once they have answered the question they move on, back to their lives, and do not give the matter of hunting with hounds another thought. They do not "hold" an opinion - they are being asked a question about an activity, a way of life of which they have no experience and hold no knowledge.

Nonetheless, even though we hunt trails, there are a few people who devote their lives to trying generate at best dislike and at worst hatred against us.

Sorry! sermon  over.

The Stern

Who was advised that losing the beard would make him more fleet of foot?
Who appears to have a personal riding coach?


Firstly apologies that only part of the gallery was uploaded this morning - the process was interrupted by power cuts.

Enlarge the images below with a click. These and many more may be found HERE

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